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Tiny Socks

I was getting my son ready today, so that he can go out and play. Looking at his tiny feet, they were bare. I went rummaging through his drawers to find him a pair of socks. As I went through his socks, I noticed that each pair was mismatched or too small for his feet. This made me smile for it jarred memories of the past. One pair of socks that I held in my palm were of when my baby boy was first learning to walk. I remembered him puding around trying to reach for things as he was gaining his balance. Now my boy walks straight without any need to grasp for things. It took a few minutes, but I found him a pair of socks. He was right behind me and reached for them. I handed them to him and expected to put them on him. To my surprise, my son sat down and placed the socks on his feet and ran over to put on his shoes. Then he smiled and said, "I'm ready to go momma." I felt a tear start to form, and a warmth from within. I looked down at my son with his tiny shoes, tiny feet, and my mind went back to the past, from when he was learning to crawl, to where he is now. He may not be grasping for things to get his bearing, but now he is grasping to learn and to grow. I know that there will be a time where he will no longer have tiny feet, and that when he ages I will see a man. But to me and my husband, we will always see our little boy with tiny feet, with tiny socks.

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